The immutable black line is primal and direct, originating in prehistoric cave drawings first rendered in charcoal eons ago. Within the pages of Juxtapoz Black & White, an impressive list of artists with fascinating results affirm the role monochromatic treatments play in their practice. Paintings and drawings bolster this dialogue in lavishly presented, oversize format. More fascinating contributors such as Cleon Peterson, Saner, Matt Leines, Brendan Monroe, Mrzyk & Moriceau, Carl Krull, Nicomi Nix Turner and many more.
Evan Pricco (Editor), 2019

Graffiti 101 Book
MARTINEZ GALLERY, established in 1972, stands as America’s premier showcase for graffiti art, having nurtured the movement’s vanguard for over five decades. Their Graffiti 101 book brings artworks from legendary global artists like Os Gemeos, Risote and Sawe.
Hugo Martinez (Editor), 2021

A while back, the guys at Walls&Skin asked if we could do a special issue about the relation between graffiti and tattoos, because apparently a lot of writers do tattoos and a lot of tattoo artists paint. Seems legit, so we went to work. Proud to feature artists like Lugo, Muretz, Iñaki, Peter van der Helm, Feleon, Que, Phen, Xav, Leon Ka, Cortisol Kid, Enigma, Nacho Eterno, Michiel van der Born, Floes and Eric Moreno.
Chris Versteeg (Editor), 2019

Issue 17 is out now and is fresh as a summer morning! We have once again composed an attractive mix of the good, the bad and the ugly. Highlight this issue is a short interview with the Swiss ladies from KCBR who prove James Brown right when he said it’s a man’s world, but it would be nothing without a woman. Damn right! They added trainwriting to the top ten list of things Switzerland is famous for and it looks like they have no intention of stopping until they get enough. One way or another!
Chris Versteeg (Editor), 2019

One of the most successful street art series ever published with 100,000 copies in print, Art of Rebellion was the originator, presenting the finest artwork ever created by artists on the street worldwide. Now at long last comes a new volume featuring approximately 100 artists with their personal favorites innovative work in a variety of media that arrests our attention and transforms our cities into open air museums. Artists featured include SPY, Vhils, Stak, Jordan Seiler, Ripo, Dotsy, Toasters, Felipe Pantone, SPY, HuskMitNavn, Ermsy, *G, Space Invader, Nomad and more.
Christian Hundertmark (Author), 2016

The independent cross media arts magazine from Brazil brought Muretz on the cover of it’s 50th aniversary edition in May 2016. Also featuring articles with Amanda Wachob, Amr Elshamy, Cadu Confort, Carlos Siqueira, Chaim Machlev, Cranio, David Côté, Ed-mun, Federica Piancone, Fernando Chamarelli, Flávio Cerqueira, Gustavo Bernal Bernal, Harumi Hironaka, Kengo Kuma, Leandro Ferraz, Lucas Lamenha, Lucas Ponce, Luciano Salles, Luiz Escañuela, Mauro Martins, Muretz, Renê Junior, Pietro Luigi, Kitchelly Oliveira, Rod Hunt, Rodrigo Kupfer, Victor Masi, Wagner Loud, Willian Santiago and more.
Allan Szacher (Editor), 2016